TITANIUM EUROPE 2017 Amsterdam 17th-19th May

Author Topic: TITANIUM EUROPE 2017 Amsterdam 17th-19th May  (Read 26875 times)

Offline JSimpson

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    • International Titanium Association
TITANIUM EUROPE 2017 Amsterdam 17th-19th May
« on: 18 January 2017, 02:53:48 »
International Titanium Association Issues Final Call for Papers TITANIUM EUROPE 2017

The International Titanium Association (ITA), Denver, CO, has issued a “Call for Papers” for the TITANIUM EUROPE 2017 Conference, which will be held the 17th - 19th May 2017 at the Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky hotel located at Dam 9. 1012 JS, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The Organizing Committee is seeking market oriented and technical papers alike. Abstract Submission Requirements/Guidelines:  MS Word containing presenter's Abstract should be 500 words or less.  File name must be saved and submittedasSurnameFirstNameAbstractTiEU2016.doc for easy organization. (ieSimpsonJenniferAbstractTiEU2017.doc)  Abstracts must contain preferred panel of topic, keywords, and any co-authors with contact information for the conference proceedings.  Only abstracts in English will be considered.

Digital Photograph of presenter must accompany abstract.  Acceptable formats include jpeg, jpg, eps, png.  File name must be saved and submittedasSurnameFirstNamePhotoTiEU2017.jpg for easy organization. (ieSimpsonJenniferPhotoTiEU2017.png).

Include your completed Speaker Agreement with the packet of information for consideration.  The speaker agreement outlines how the ITA will use the presentation materials, asks presenters to stay within the anti-trust guidelines of the Association, and offers each presenter the opportunity to be video-taped and included in the online conference proceedings which permits delegates to view conference presentations for a period of 120 days.   MS Word file containing Presenter's Biography which must be no more than 2,000 characters including spaces and punctuation.  File name must be saved and submitted as SurnameFirstNameBioTiEU2017  (ie SimpsonJenniferBioTiEU2017.docx).  Biography must include complete contact details of presenter including:

Correction Pronunciation of Full Name (ie  First:  Jen-uh-fer   Surname:  Simp-suh n)
Suffix (Ms/Dr/Mr)
First Name
Designation (Jr / III / PhD, etc.)
Job Title
Company or University
Complete Post Address including postal code
Email Address
Facsimile if applicable
Mobile if applicable

Interested presenters should indicate which of the following panels they would like to participate: Raw Materials, Alternative Energy; Commercial Aerospace; Fabrication, Military/Defense; Automotive; Medical; Industrial; Economy/Finance; Energy Exploration and Production; Mining; Manufacturing Technology; New Materials; Consumer Goods/Recreation Products; Architectural or Other Industrial Markets.

Questions may be directed to ITA at 1-303-404-2221 or by email at ita@titanium.org for more information.

TITANIUM EUROPE 2017 is designed to suit the needs of titanium industry professionals, suppliers, customers and stakeholders. The gathering offers a full spectrum of information on the latest business, technology and market trends and developments in the global titanium industry. It provides an excellent forum for expert discussions, continuing education, networking opportunities and more.

The Call for Papers Deadline is March 1, 2017
Jennifer Simpson
Executive Director

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