Titanium powder acquisition - the PREP process

Author Topic: Titanium powder acquisition - the PREP process  (Read 21781 times)

Offline AirborneMetals

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Titanium powder acquisition - the PREP process
« on: 1 March 2017, 12:56:37 »
Various powder acquisition methods exist. In aerospace, the PREP process (Plasma Rotating Electrode Process) is widely used.

PREP employs feedstock (like the aerospace Ti6-4 alloy) in the form of a rotating bar that also acts as an electrode. This is arced with gas plasma.

The molten metal is (centrifugally) flung off the bar, it cools down and is collected.

This process results in highly spherical powders, between 100 and 300 micrometers in size, with good packing characteristics, as shown on the right.

This material allows the production of high quality, near net shapes, suitable for aerospace applications.