Safety aspects of Ti powder

Author Topic: Safety aspects of Ti powder  (Read 22737 times)

Offline AirborneMetals

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Safety aspects of Ti powder
« on: 11 August 2017, 11:08:24 »
Titanium powders pose some challenges when it comes to safety hazards. These challenges have to be dealt with in an adequate manner in order to ensure a safe working environment.

First, the material is flammable. Flammability refers to the fact that the material will burn in air if ignited. Extreme caution must be exercised to prevent any type of fire or explosion.

Additionally, the material is sensitive to electrostatic charges. This sensitivity is at a level that can be generated from normal operator or warehouse activities.

The third concern is inhalation risk. Like any metal powder, titanium can be deleterious to one’s health if ingested.

As a result, precautionary measures must be in place when handling the material. These include (but are not limited to):

Use of conductive flooring and footwear, personnel-grounding devices and anti-static clothing.

Powder should be stored in closed containers and these should be protected from physical damage.

Heat & spark generating processes like welding and grinding cannot be performed around Ti powder.

A safe perimeter around equipment and powder must be maintained.

Ti fires cannot be sprayed with water. Special extinguishing media exist and should be used instead.