Product quality and testing of AM produced Ti parts

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Product quality and testing of AM produced Ti parts
« on: 31 August 2017, 10:25:38 »
So far, data regarding mechanical properties of AM manufactured Ti parts are not readily available, although not completely non-existent. This is a result of the burgeoning nature of the technology. An analogy can be drawn to the 1980s, when composite materials were introduced in the aerospace industry. There was a fundamental lack of qualification data in the public domain and each company basically needed to define and conduct its own qualification process.

In general, metals are known to be isotropic materials with basically consistent mechanical properties in all three directions. (Of course there are exceptions, like in materials with preferential grain directions).

However, due to the unique manufacturing process of AM parts, these articles are considered highly anisotropic. As a result, and similar to composite materials, properties must be established in all three directions, as shown in the image.

Currently, 3D manufactured parts cannot match the mechanical performance of conventionally manufactured counterparts. However, this will change over time as very much effort is being done in order to rectify this. Additionally, there is ongoing research for metals that are specifically designed for powder and AM production.

In case you are interested in available data and test results regarding AM produced Ti, please contact Airborne Metals.